Saturday, March 11, 2006

A Wan... Ena Tu... Ena Tri...I Think Im Gonna Die...Bye Bye World Goodba haay...

While crawling my way home because of a gargantuan headache which was caused by too much counting, I realized that my life is ruled by mathematics and there will be no escape from numbers in this world ruled by numbers. You see, I wake up in the morning and the first thing I do is to check my account balance, so that’s numbers, which I should know what phone number to call then I should have my registration number and my pin number ready when prompt to enter or else I’ll start all over again then I call my medical insurance, again a number and I should have my client number ready. If I’m not lucky they’ll say they are busy and will be ask to leave my cell phone number. If I have time I’ll call my family back home which I couldn’t get the phone card number, country code and area code into my head so it is written on the phone. Get ready for work at 1:30 and wait for the bus number 223 at two twenty. At work I go to wardrobe to get my uniform that is numbered 1283. Keep my clothes in my locker which is numbered 2435. Start work and log in using my employee number 30267. While working Ill be doing loads of counting then have a break and go to vendo machine and enter the express code 507 for coffee with sugar. After twenty minutes start work again. Day is done, work finished and its payday, I got to ATM machine and enter my pin number to withdraw money then wait for the taxi service 655. I’m finally home at around five. Be sure so blog before five thirty so I can sleep at six and start all over again.


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